Further Reading
Websites to check out:
The Library of Congress's Collection of Ansel Adams's Photos of Manzanar - Shows what Manzanar looked like when it was being used
Executive Order 9066 - A full transcript of Executive Order 9066
Proclamation 4417- Transcript of Proclamation 4417, which officially terminated Executive Order 9066
Tule Lake - More info on Tule Lake
Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) - ONI and their role in the internment of Japanese Americans
Korematsu v. United States - Fred Korematsu challenged the constitutionality of Order 9066, ending with the Supreme Court ruling that it was constitutional
442nd Infantry Regiment - A segregated infantry regiment consisting of Japanese-American volunteers from the internment camps.
Japanese American Museum - A museum in Los Angeles, California dedicated to Japanese Americans "dedicated to preserving the history and culture of Japanese Americans" (Wikipedia).
Dorothea Lange's Manzanar Photos - These photos were taken by Dorothea Lange, and then withheld by the military.
Japanese American Museum of San Jose - A museum in San Jose, Calfornia whose mission is "to collect, preserve and share Japanese American history, culture and art with a focus on the Greater Bay Area" (JAMSJ).
National Japanese American Historical Society - A society dedicated to hte history of Japanes Americans, and whose vision is "to be a catalyst for change through cross cultural awareness– by learning from the past and influencing the future" (NJAHS).
Books to check out:
Born Free and Equal by Ansel Adams gives readers a glimpse at what life looked like in Manzanar. Showing how the internees were normal Americans who were wrongfully interned. ISBN-13: 978-1477432945
When the Emperor Was Divine by Julie Otsuka is a fictional novel describing what it was like as a Japanese American right after Executive Order 9066 was enacted. Showing the perspectives of 5 different people throughout their ordeals. ISBN-13: 978-0385721813
No-No Boy by John Okada shows what it was like as someone who either did not complete or answered no and no on Questions 27 and 28 of the Loyalty Questionnaire. With the protagonist serving prison time refusing to serve in the armed forces, and suffering due to the consequences of his answers. ISBN-13: 978-0295955254
Years of Infamy: The Untold Story of America's Concentration Camps by Michi Nishiura Weglyn is the story of the Author's personal experience having to live throught the internment of Japanese Americans. Also going in depth about the causes of the internment. ISBN-13: 978-0295974842